Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Running Project

I squashed a thought someone had a couple times this month..."I want to run 100 miles in a week."

I told him that in all my training I had never even run over 55 miles in a week unless it was a race or some other event that was 50 miles or above. While I am excited about his enthusiasm, I do not want to see him hurt, unable to train. I remember that feeling of the unknown...wanting to see what I can accomplish...asking "How far can I go?"...reaching small attainable goals to build a strong foundation.

So, in the past week I have...

#1 Listened to my compadre in running, Patton "The Dominator" Gleason, say that for the next adventure we will be "dipping our toe in the Red River", running to the White Rock Marathon, and running it. 100+ miles in all and starting Saturday morning.

#2 Decided I would run the 100 miles in a week that I have been trying to talk my friend out of.

#3 Watched the movie "Running the Sahara"...3 friends decide to run from the west coast to the east coast of Africa...crossing the Sahara Desert...115 days and 4500 miles!

And last #4 reading "Born to Run" a story about the best ultramarathoners on the planet and their 50 mile race but most importantly...why they, and WE, run and their untold stories.

So on to #1 and #2...Why?...the answer Because. I am 45 miles into it and am feeling quite good. I have split my runs into morning 15 miles and afternoon 5 barefoot, or Vibram, miles. This will get me mentally ready for the runs we will be doing throughout the next 5 months. We will see...

Follow Up... Not only did I accomplish the 100 miles in a week but a couple of years later I completed 200 miles in an 8 day span.  The week leading up to my birthday run I ran a marathon a day for 6 days (10-15 miles the day before) and 40 something miles on my birthday run.  I can't specifically remember the year.  Challenging and tiring both physically and mentally.  I also have never done #1...it would be fun though!

1 comment:

  1. Hamlin,

    I think you are nuts, but, I'm excited to read about your training adventures!!!

    On my summer reading list is "Born to Run" - one of my running buddies was telling me about it this past spring training.

    Keep it up little buddy,
